Learn how to set password not to expire from command line or GUI

Source: https://www.windows-commandline.com/set-password-to-never-expire/

Learn how to configure a user account so that the password never expires. This can be done from Windows command prompt as well as in “local user accounts” console.

Set password to never expire from CMD

Run the following steps to disable password expiry from command line.

  1. Open elevated admin command prompt
  2. Run the command.WMIC USERACCOUNT WHERE Name=’username’ SET PasswordExpires=FALSE

Example: To never expire password of administrator account.

c:>net user administrator | findstr /C:expires
Account expires              Never
Password expires             9/12/2017 9:02:26 PM

You can see above that the password would expire on 9/12. Now we are going to change that.

c:>WMIC USERACCOUNT WHERE Name='administrator' SET PasswordExpires=FALSE
Updating property(s) of '\MYPCROOTCIMV2:Win32_UserAccount.Domain="MYPC",Name="administrator"'
Property(s) update successful.

Checking password expiry date now

c:>net user administrator | findstr /C:expires
Account expires              Never
Password expires             Never

Using User accounts console

Do the following steps to disable password expiry in user account console.

  1. Execute the command lusrmgr.msc from Run.
  2. Click on users in the list displayed on the left side
  3. Double click on the user account you would like to update
  4. Select the check button Password never expires. Click OK
Set user password to never expire
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