Replace 3par drive hdd/ssd trough CLI

Replacing a failed disk in a 3PAR is pretty simple you just need to follow a few steps to make sure you do it safely. If you are new to 3PAR or would like to learn more a good place to start is our 3PAR beginners guide

Let’s get started with the disk replacement procedure:

1 Check to see if you have any failed or degraded disks in the system. Take a note of the disk ID and cage position. In this case disk ID =26, cage position = 2:8:0

3PARSAN01 cli% showpd -failed -degraded

                           -Size(MB)-- ----Ports----

Id CagePos Type RPM State   Total Free A     B     Cap(GB)

46 2:8:0? FC   10 failed 417792   0 ----- -----     450


 1 total                  417792   0

2 Check if the disk sevicemag command is running on the drive. The servicemag command is used to inform the system to evacuate all the chunklets from a drive so that it is ready for service. Below we can see the servicemag has succeeded on the drive we identified in step 1.

3PARSAN01 cli% servicemag status

Cage 2, magazine 8:

The magazine was successfully brought offline by a servicemag start command.

The command completed Thu Jul 10 20:07:03 2014.

servicemag start -pdid 46 – Succeeded

3 Next we double check there is no data left on the drive. You can do this by running showpd –space driveID as below. You need to check that all columns other than size and failed are zero

3PARSAN01 cli% showpd –space 46


Id CagePos Type -State-   Size Volume Spare Free Unavail Failed

46 2:8:0? FC   failed 417792     0                 0     0          0         417792


1 total                        417792     0            0   0          0        417792


4 Next to replace the physical disk. Make sure you are happy with the above steps. Then pop that bad boy out, you will have a note of the location of the failed drive from step 1.


5 Once the disk is in you can monitor the progress of the rebuild by running servicemag status, which will give you an ETA for completion.

3PARSAN01 cli% servicemag status

Cage 2, magazine 8:

The magazine is being brought online due to a servicemag resume.

The last status update was at Thu Jun 26 12:09:19 2014.

Chunklets relocated: 73 in 50 minutes and 34 seconds

Chunklets remaining: 400

Chunklets marked for moving: 400

Estimated time for relocation completion based on 41 seconds per chunklet is: 4hours, 57 minutes and 39 seconds

servicemag resume 2 8 -- is in Progress

6 Once this is complete you can check that your disks are showing in a normal state with showpd -state

3PARSAN01 cli% showpd -state

Id CagePos Type -State- --------------------Detailed_State---------------------

43 2:5:0   FC   normal normal

44 2:6:0   FC   normal normal

45 2:7:0   FC   normal normal

46 2:8:0 FC   normal normal

47 2:9:0   FC   normal normal

That’s it, job done! This blog has over 150+ 3PAR articles we have put together a selection of the best articles for you to learn more about 3PAR


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